quarter 3 reflection

1. How have you grown as a photographer-- Look back at your FIRST photo shoot. For this photo shoot I gave you specific categories to shoot. What are the differences between your first shoot and your last (25 photo challenge).

Through the many photo shoots we've done since the beginning of the quarter definitely think I've learned to better control my camera and it's settings to create the photos I'm aiming for. As well as that I feel like I have learned to interpret a project we are assigned more fully and make it my own.

2. What was your favorite photograph and why- insert image.

This is picture from on of my favorite photo shoots for sure is one of the best photos I've taken. The framing is very pleasing and also allows for a lot of room for creativity. There are many ways this photo could be edited or manipulated, and it's inspired me to create many different versions of edits!

3. How can you improve? What did you struggle with?

I think I definitely could improve upon the way in which I use my camera and get to know it better. Also stepping outside of my comfort zone and allowing myself to take pictures that don't fit the usual style I stick to could help me grow and explore new possibilities!

4.How will you or have you used what you have learned in this class in other subject areas or outside of school.

Someday I hope to pursue a career in art of some sort, and right now I'm exploring my passion for photography, and this class is helping me learn more about that interest! The work ethic this class requires has also taught me a thing or two about procrastination, because leaving a photo shoot to the last second doesn't always turn out well!

5. What are you hoping to improve on during quarter 4?

Going into the final quarter I hope to start expanding my knowledge of all the setting in my camera to further progress the potential of my photos. As well as that I want to improve the variety of angles and scenes I take photos in, as I often end up falling into the same few combinations of the two! 
